School Inforamation page
Note :
- Fields mark with * are compulsory to fill.
- You can switch to next page/Heading of form if all mandatory details are completed in current page.
- Scanned the required attachment and save to .jpg format to upload
- Size of .jpg (.jpeg) attachment is allowed maximum upto 2MB.
School Information
- This is the first page of the School registration form.
- This page covers school's general information , its location details , school Type detail , Unit and medium information , Zone & Exam Center related information etc .
General Information
- Enter School Name and School Address .
- Select school District , Tal/Mul/Corp and City/Village from their respective dropdown list.
- Enter valid Email Id for school.
- Select SVS Name from list as shown above.
- Enter School Registration Date by clicking on calendar shown above.
- Enter Dise Code by clicking on Link shown above.
- Select Start Year of school from list as shown above.
- Enter the SEMIS's Code of school.
School Location details and its Type Information
- Enter location specific detail like plot no, final plot no etc.
- Enter Longitude and Latitude As Shown Above.
- Select school type properly from School Type1 whether it is Government , Self financed , Grant-in aided etc.
- Select the Stream , here you need to select all group which you are offering to your students for SSC Examination.
If school is Higher secondary type, then High secondary stream is to be select accordingly, as shown.
School Medium and Unit Information
- Select all medium which school offer their student for study. If school teaches in more than one medium check accordingly.
- Select the proper School Unit to give information about whether school runs only Secondary , Higher Secondary only or both from the drop down list as shown.
- Provide the School Timing information in hours & minute for the whole week(Monday to Friday) and then also select Timing of school on Saturday. On saving this page system will automatically calculate Total week hour.
If school is Higher secondary type, then HSC School Timing is to be select accordingly.
Zone, Center and Index Information
- If school is secondary type its Index No. will be automatically shown in SSC Index No texbox.
- Select the proper Center Code from the drop down lists. System will automatically display Zone code and its Zone Name in their texbox as per your selected Center Code.
Principal and Signature
- Now in the last section of this page, provide Principal Name and then upload Principal signature.
- Click on Browse button to open scanned signature image from your system and then after selecting file, click on Upload button to attach it.
- An image cannot be changed once it is attached. If you wish to make a change , click button to delete the attached file and then browse the correct image from and upload it again
- If the school is canceled, then check the checkbox provided, if not leave it blank.
- After filling the whole page click on Save button. It will show message dialog box "Data Updated Successfully" click Ok button to confirm it.
After save verify the data and click on confirm save
After clicking on confirmsave button all the field will be disabled and you can not modify it
Now click button to go on next page as shown. (See Trust Information page)
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